
Location 地点 : 21/F Exert Fitness 健身室 

Artist 艺术家 : Ju Ming 朱铭

Ju Ming was born in Miaoli, Taiwan. He was apprenticed to a local woodcarver to learn about woodcarving and painting when he was 15. He held his first solo exhibition at the National Museum of History in 1976. In 1999, he established an outdoor museum, Ju Ming Museum in Taipei displaying his most well-known pieces, and earning him international recognition as a leading member in Chinese arts. His most popular art series are the “Nativist Series”, the “Taichi Series” and the “Living World Series”.


Series name 系列名称 : Living World Series 人间系列

Ju Ming’s “Living World Series” is the first series of sculptures made with stainless steel, revealing new side to his skill and creativity. “Stainless steel has a sense of time and it reflects the vibrant colour and light of the city. Compared to wood, it can vividly show the dynamics of the figures”, Ju Ming said. In the “Living World Series – Swimming”, the polished glimmer of the figure reflects under light. The reflective nature of the material expresses the delicate texture of the ladies’ skin, as well as the body curves. Ju Ming combines this exquisite texture with the figure’s striking body shape, and through adding black and white colours to the piece, it becomes even more graceful and aesthetically pleasing.

