Book-keeping of 07 B 
07结算 (下)

Location 地点 : Escalator  from Lobby Floor to G/F 由大堂楼层往地面的扶手电梯

Artist 艺术家 : Hong Hao 洪浩

Hong Hao is an independent artist who creates innovative and astute art works with illusion and preconception at their core. During the early stages of Hong’s art life, he spent a number of years working on a book of maps called “Scriptures” which rearranged regions and cities according to different elements. He has also developed a new form of “photography” in which no actual photos are taken; instead he scans objects and then rearranges the copies in to a new collage. This comprises his well-known series – My Things.

洪浩– 中国当代独立艺术家,善以引起读者错觉及表达对现今社会的预见创作新颖且敏锐的作品。洪浩早期专注制作一本名为《藏经》的地图书籍,根据不同因素重新划分世界地图。其后,他以崭新的拍摄手法创作令人留下深刻印象的摄影集–《我的东西》,以扫瞄其收藏品的图像,拼凑及排列成一张新照片,而最令人惊讶的是这些照片并不需要利用胶卷拍照。

Series name 系列名称 : My Things 我的东西

“My Things” is one of the best known series by Hong Hao, which tells his life story through the objects he collects obsessively from the past to present. In this series, Hong scans his possessions individually and in doing so provides a view in to more than 20 years of his life. Then, he rearranges and applies digital technology to move the featured objects backwards and forwards. For this collection, Hong is showing an artist’s own-personal journey as well as a reflection of life in contemporary China.

《我的东西》– 洪浩其中一个受人触目的系列,乃记录摄影者由以往到现在所收藏的物品的照片。洪浩扫瞄他的每天生活的消费物及多于二十年的私​​人收藏物,然后,将所扫瞄的物件拼接在一起,从而完成一件摄影作品。此摄影作品既是洪浩的生活物证,展示二十多年生活的点滴,亦同时反映当代中国人在现今社会的生活态度。