Coca Cola (No.1) – Year 2005
可口可乐 (一)

Location 地点 : Ground Floor (Pak Hoi Street Entrance) 地面楼层 (北海街入口)

Artist 艺术家 : Xue Song 薛松

Having graduated from the Stage Art Department of the Shanghai Drama Academy, Xue Song is one of the leading representatives of contemporary Pop Art in China. In Xue’s early life, he experienced a large fire in his studio and ever since he has been fascinated with ash and flame. Xue collages and reconstructs small fragments of burnt printed materials, fortified by vibrant colours making his paintings very striking and recognisable.


Series name 系列名称 : Coca Cola Series 可口可乐系列

These paintings are the serigraph of Xue’s original art works. In this series, Xue deploys a popular cultural icon (a Coca Cola bottle) with the broken text of Chinese characters. Inside the bottle are fragments of paper, with burnt edges of traditional Chinese landscape paintings. Each fragment of the collage carries in itself a message. The symbolic and physical layerings create a dynamic tension combining contemporary and traditional desires with current realities.

这些绢网印花画作均以薛松真迹为蓝图而成,在此系列中,薛松利用大众熟悉的图像 (如可口可乐瓶) 配上中国书法为构图。可口可乐瓶内贴满被火烧过的纸屑,当中的图像包括中国的风景。这些以中国传统文化配上社会人所共知的消费品拼贴而成的画作,造成了强大的对比。