Disappear in Blue Sky

Location 地点 : Yagura Japanese Restaurant 日本餐厅 (LG)

Artist 艺术家 : Lu Xin 吕欣

Having graduated from Fine Arts Academy of Sichuan in 2000 and taught at a University in Jiangsu province, Lu Xin is an outstanding artist who excels in painting with oils on canvas. Lu has exhibited his art works around China and he hosts a permanent exhibition in Hanmo Gallery. Lu believes that he can express emotions through drawing and communicate his thinking with an audience via the canvas.


Series name 系列名称 : Disappear in Blue Sky 消失在蓝天里

“Life is actually an adventure and I believe that I am a survivor from what I have experienced.” said Lu.

In this oil painting, two boys are sitting on a plane flying over the blue sky showing that Lu looks forward to having a bright future. 
